Category Archives: April

Untangling Projection and Disassociation


Projection and dissociation are ways our minds try to handle difficult feelings or thoughts, but they can make mental health much worse.

Projection is when we see our own bad feelings or thoughts in other people instead of admitting we have them.   This can lead to misunderstandings and problems in relationships.  To get better mental health, its important to learn to understand and deal with our own feelings instead of blaming others.

Projection is common because its easier to point fingers at others than admit our own faults.  It helps us feel better about ourselves.

For more info, click here


Dissociation is when we feel distant from our thoughts, feeling, or memories.  It often happens during tough times, like when were stressed or scared.  While it can help for the short term, too much dissociation can make us feel lost and confused but most importantly not living in the present.  To improve mental health, its important to learn ways to stay connected to ourselves, like talking to someone we trust or can learn to trust as well as activities we enjoy.

For more info, click here

In simple terms, dissociation means feeling disconnected from ourselves, while projection means blaming others for our own problems.  Both can make mental health worse, but learning to understand and cope with our feelings can help us feel better.

Take Care of Yourself

Some simple ways to help your healing journey can include, thinking about your feelings and taking time out to write about your feelings.  Staying present to what’s happening right now and not trying to get lost in your thoughts.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help to have someone support you.  Talking about your feeling to someone close to you or even starting treatment with on of our astounding therapists, click here.

Call 734-729-3133

Challenging your thoughts and asking yourself if there is another way to see the situation.  Take breaks and do something you enjoy, like going for a walk, listening to music, or engaging in a hobby – you don’t have to heal 24/7 , we all deserve to be happy and keep life light.  Lastly, try incorporating deep breathing techniques or meditation to help stay calm and focused.


Cheers to a Sunny Weekend Michiganders!!

Warm Regards,

Monique (:




Heshmat, S., PhD. (2022, May 31). When we face overwhelming stress, disconnecting can be a coping skill. Psychology Today.

Projection. (2022, January 6). Psychology Today.

Dangerous Distractions: The Risks of Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving Awareness Month, observed annually in April, is a vital campaign aimed towards raising awareness about the dangers of driving distracted and promoting safer habits on the road.  With the influx of smartphones and other digital devices, distracted driving has become a major concern.  This observance  seeks to educate drivers about the risks.

Chemical dependency, such as addiction to alcohol or drugs can greatly contribute to distracted driving.  When under the influence, individuals may struggle to focus on the road, react to traffic signals, or make sound judgments.  The compulsion to use substances can override concerns about safety, leading to risky behaviors behind the wheel.  Moreover, the impaired cognitive and motor functions associated with substance use increase the likelihood of accidents.  Addressing chemical dependency through treatment and support can help mitigate the dangers of distract driving, promoting safer roads for everyone.

For more info,  Click here

The statistics surrounding distracted driving are sobering.  I will leave a link at the end regarding this.  Various organizations, including government agencies, non-profit groups, and businesses collaborate to promote educational initiatives and advocacy efforts.

By collectively advocating for safer driving and promoting responsibility on the road, stakeholders seek to decrease distracted driving accidents and save lives.  Raising awareness is essential, but action is equally crucial.  Individually, we can contribute to safe roads by adopting distraction-free driving habits, like keeping our phones away, avoiding multitasking, and staying attentive.  Prioritizing safety whenever we drive helps create a more responsible and secure driving environment for all.


For more information, Click here


I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Stay safe.






April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month | NHTSA. (n.d.). NHTSA.

SHzoom It, LLC. (2023, January 2). Distracted Driving: Facts and preventions | SHZoom. SHzoom.